grant of probate
Timely Lodging of a Grant
We sometimes get calls from clients who are concerned they need to engage our services to start working on the estate within a couple of days of their loved one’s passing. We generally advise these clients that there is no rush and that there is not much we can do until the Death Certificate has … Read more
What happens after Probate?
Once it has been determined that a Grant of Representation is required and it has been obtained, it is now time to deal with the assets of the estate. The first step is for the executors to decide what to do with each asset. Any assets that have been specifically gifted to a beneficiary will … Read more
What is Probate?
Simply put, Probate is a court issued document that confirms the Will of the deceased is valid and validates the appointment of the person nominated as Executor in the Will. The Executor will need to obtain a Grant of Probate before they can administer and distribute the estate. The official term for Probate is a … Read more