What are VOIs & CAFs?

Verification of Identity (VOI) and How to do your Verification of Identity (VOI) on InfoTrack

As of January 2018, all conveyancing transactions require a Client Authorisation Form (CAF) to be completed by the parties to the transaction along with a Verification of Identity (VOI) check.

InfoTrack ID is our preferred verification platform as it is a secure platform and can be done remotely from your own home and at your own convenience all at the click of a button. It is also the most cost-effective VOI service.

We will send you a link to complete the VOI via text message and email. Once received all you will need to do is click on the link and you will be taken to the InfoTrack verification page. Here you will be asked to upload a copy of your required documents. A 100 point ID check is required to complete your VOI, this usually entails a passport and drivers licence, if available. You will need to confirm all your details (name, address, phone number and email address) and sign the form to confirm you have completed the verification. Once completed this will come through to us to verify and confirm.

Client Authorisation Form (CAF)

A CAF is a document that you are required to sign in order to allow us to electronically sign the transfer documents on your behalf. The CAF is needed for all conveyancing transactions.

When completing the VOI you will also be sent a link to complete a CAF which can be electronically signed and completed online through DocuSign.

Have Legal Essentials do your Verification of Identity (VOI) in person

If you would prefer a face to face VOI, or you do not have the electronic means to complete a remote VOI, you can attend our office to complete this. Alternatively, we can refer you to Australia Post to complete this at one of their branches near you.

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